30 de marzo de 2010

Brandon Boyd OMG!

Como hago para no sentir que lo sos TODOO.. como hago para no pensar que sos Mi Unico Dios!!!!!! Te amoooo!!! Y algun dia ire a buscarte :)) Lo sabes...

Love Hurts, but sometimes it's a good hurt and it feels like I'm alive...

'cause without BB I won't survive...

24 de marzo de 2010

How do yo do it?

How can I explain what you do to me.. how you make me feel when you're around.. I just don't understand it.. and don't understand You.. what do you want? are you playing with my heart? are you just having some fun? Let me tell you what I want to do.. All I want to do is Get next to You!!!! All I want to do is let You get next to me.. I just want it to be Only You & Me ;)